
Find your way

Public Transport

From Gent-Sint-Pieters train station
Take tram T3 of T3 to Vogelmarkt and walk five minutes to Saint Bavo’s Cathedral. 

From Gent-Dampoort train station
Take Bus 10 or 11 to Korenmarkt and walk five minutes to Saint Bavo's Cathedral.

Or walk for fifteen minutes to St. Bavo's Cathedral. 

Plan you route through De Lijn’s routeplanner.

Use the Stad Gent’s bicycle route-planner to find the simplest route.

For those who live in Ghent, Saint-Bavo’s Cathedral is extremely easy to reach by bicycle. Use the Stad Gent’s bicycle route-planner to find the simplest route from your starting point to the venue:

There are several covered bicycle parks close by the cathedral: the Korenmarkt bicycle park under Sint-Michielsbrug has room for 210 bikes. You enter from Pakhuisstraat next to the former post office building. The Braunplein bicycle park below the market hall (Stadshal) has room for 80 bikes.

To improve air quality, Ghent’s inner city (the area within the ring road) has become a low-emission zone since 1 January 2020. Only vehicles that meet the conditions for admission will be allowed into this zone. Avoid being fined and always check your vehicle before coming to Ghent.

Check whether your vehicle is allowed to enter the low-emission zone. Not allowed? Answer all the online questions and request the appropriate access for your vehicle right away. Check your vehicle.

Foreign license plates must be registered. Permitted vehicles with a foreign number plate must be registered. You can register your vehicle via this online tool

Always check your vehicle in advance to avoid a fine!

Plan cathedral - Visitor's Centre

Plan cathedral - Visitor's Centre

Discover the
Ghent Altarpiece

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Buy your tickets here


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